Sunday, August 31, 2008

My Hard Disk Crashed!

Rain and cloud carried the limping, tearful August. I could not post much. The reason: my Laptop hard disk crashed! Now I have a new HD and the software is being installed slowly. I have started penning again. Many of my friends have stopped browsing my blog because they did not see anything new. I promise I will keep it going.
I had written two long articles. I did not post it immediately. I was proof reading. Now it is lost. Along with gone are numerous files, Applications, Works, Photos, videos, worksheets and what not? I am sad. There were things I do not recall now. People say recovery will cost too much.

Have you ever been pick-pocketed?. If you have stayed in Mumbai for sometime you might have had a chance to ‘enjoy’ that feeling. I did. Once I was pick-pocketed. I had a terrible feeling. As if somebody pulled out my spinal chord. The same feeling was there when my hard disk crashed. I did not have a backup except for some important personal files. After 3 decades of serving the IT industry I still have not learned that basic thing. Backup. Although I have been backing up various employers data perfectly - on time through out my life, I never thought my own data as important as that. So I should suffer.

Hard Disks are like granaries. We keralites are familiar with Pathaayams(big storage boxes) It is something like that. We put everything in it. Music,video,docs. And always waste time in searching. What happens when one day the Pathaayam itself is missing?

Barbers do not cut their hair properly. Dhobis do not wash their clothes properly. Cobblers do not wear good slippers. Doctors won’t take medicine properly. I have seen several examples like that. So a programmer who does not take backup of his own file is not anything new. That is the Lokagathi ( the way the world goes).

What is the use of worrying about something that is lost? We are bound to loose everything one day. That day is not too far for me either. So let me laugh at the loss of some silly items I collected en-route to Khayamat – the day of the judgment! God will not punish me on that day because I have gotten rid of some silly pictures I was hiding in my hard disk. The crash saved me from the sins. I am no more a sinner, man! Hey Padre, catch me if you can. .

Let me now look at the blank slate and try to become cheerful. I keep telling myself : If you do not have anything you have everything. If you have something then you have that thing. Just that thing!.This philosophy has saved me many times. Extreme negative will surely touch the extreme positive. So I have now everything. I have a full empty slate to write many many things. I feel happy again. Where is the chalk?


shm said...

Awesome article :)

A good comeback :)

Keep writing.

Anonymous said...

It was very interesting to read the “HDD crashed “ post…

Your posts are always a great relief to me and it always ensures me that the world and life is still simple and beautiful !
