Sunday, April 13, 2008

Stealing Well..!

One of the famous joke about Kothazham is that one day a Kothazhan ( male member. Kothazhathukari – for female) went to another village and happened to drink water from a well. He found it so sweet and tasty. On his return to Kothazham he spread the news. Many Kothazhans went there and tried. They found it true. Now it is natural that Kothazhans also wanted a similar well in their village. They dug many wells but it was same old water. Nothing comparable to the neighboring village well emerged!. They discussed and debated the issue for many days. There was no intelligent Pranay Roy or forceful Barkha dutt or intimidating Sreekantan Nair to anchor the debates. So at last they decided on one thing. That they will steal the well from the neighboring village!. And the story goes thus that for ONE FULL NIGHT they did try it ! What happened the next day morning is left to the imagination of readers.

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